Lisa St. John is a published writer and former high school English Teacher. She is also a Student Teacher Supervisor for the State University of New York at New Paltz and a Board Member of the International Women’s Writing Guild and the Stone Ridge Public Library. Lisa St. John is a writer living in the beautiful Hudson Valley of upstate New York. She is a Best of the Net and Pushcart Prize nominee for her poem “War is a Human Child,” published with The Poetry Distillery. She is the author of two poetry books, Ponderings (Finishing Line Press) and Swallowing Stones (Kelsay Books). Lisa has published her poetry in journals such as 2Elizabeths, Misfit Magazine, New Verse News, The Poet’s Billow, The Ekphrastic Review, Albany Poets, The Orchards Poetry Journal, Light, Entropy Magazine, The Poetry Distillery, Poets Reading the News, Glassworks, and Chronogram Magazine. The poem “There Must Be a Science to This” won The Poet’s Billow’s Bermuda Triangle Contest, and “Mowing the Lawn” was shortlisted for the Fish Poetry Prize and later published in Fish Anthology 2016. “Particle Song” was a finalist for the 2017 Rash Award in Poetry by Broad River Review. Her poem “The Whens of Now” was selected as a finalist for the New Millennium Writings 44th Literary Awards. “Where is Ophelia’s Mother?” won second place in the Poetry Society of Virginia’s Sarah Lockwood Memorial Poetry Prize. Lisa’s ekphrastic poetry has been selected for both the Ask For Arts 2020 Poetic License Exhibition and the Mid-Hudson Arts Exhibit, Poets Respond to Art. Lisa’s travel articles “The Calgary Stampede: The Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth” and “Manhattan’s Lower East Side: The Big Onion” are published on  Her memoir excerpt, “I Still Exist,” was published by Grief Digest Magazine, and her essay, “DIY Apocalypse,” was published in Sleet Magazine. Her essay “Of Mothers and Other Demons” appears in Tales to Inspire: Moonstone Collection Book 2, 2021. She is currently seeking publication for her memoir, My Truce with Grief.


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