After 20 or so years of co-writing songs with my poet friend Mike Jurkovic, I started going to poetry readings and decided to try my hand at it. I finally worked up the courage to read my own work. So far, no tomatoes have flown my way. I consider that a promising start. I've been published in the CAPS Anthology (2015) and Waymark-Voices of the Valley Magazine.

Jewel Weed

The jewel weed is blooming 

In the late summer field. 

It's strangely sad that sweltering days 

are coming to a chilly end, 

Like a love affair that smolders 

with desires and resentments, 

Kept in teetering balance 

Till the tipping point comes sure as bills. 

And what once filled the dancing heart 

Now spills ashes on the floor. 

But while the jewel weed still blooms, 

The lingering high sun brings to blossom 

what could be, 

Then rolls downhill to the icy cold 

of what will be.  

(8/22/15 JM)

  4477 Hits

First Day of Autumn

It's nice to feel an air conditioned day, 

Nature's changing thermostat 

set just where I like. 

Leaves on the trees disagree:

some are red with anger 

that Mother Nature turned off the heat,

some are yellow with fear 

for the coming chill of winter,

and some have fainted dead away, 

lying on the ground.

(9/22/16 JM)

  4214 Hits